Tina Krause

   I'm an actress/model mostly
in horror flicks but now have graduated to
comedy and drama... don't ask.  I now direct films and write scripts and am
currently workin on 2 new movies.  Limbo, my feature, should be done by the
end of the summer and maybe I'll have it ready by Oct. chiller.   Born in
Queens NYC and graduated SVA  that would be an art school :)  who would have
guessed.  There is realy not too much tp tell here, so I think that will do
it :)

Why do I think I'd be good for the pinup muse?
Well, because I come from Mars, which I think is unique and I have a
whooping pair that are real!  My astrologist says that something favorable
is coming my way so I want to see if she is right.  And the #1 reason is
because I threw a penny in a wishing well and if my wish doesn't come true
then I know the whole wishing well thing is a fluke, in which case I'm going
to take my penny back and protest all wishing wells
even the ones in the mall!
